Dragonflight by Anne McCaffrey is the first book in the Dragonriders of Pern series. In this science fiction novel, animals named dragons for their mythical look-alikes are the only way people on pern can survive. After consuming rocks containing phosphine the dragons could spit flame at the enemy - Thread. Threads were mycorrhizoid spores that came from the Red Star and would fall from the sky. If allowed to land, they would eat all organic matter in their path. Therefore, the dragons and the Weyrfolk who rode them had to turn them to ashes before they hit the ground.
Lessa, heir of Ruatha Hold, has been hiding out as a kitchen drudge for years. However, when F'lar comes to call on Search for a new Weyrwoman, she finds herself on a daring adventure to rescue Pern. For the threads will come, invited or not... and they don't bother to see if you're ready for them.
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