I have met my match.
I was walking through the rows of books in the school library the other day, asking myself the immortal question one asks themselves in libraries – “Oh what shall I read now?” I swept my eyes over the neatly stacked volumes, but no titles or covers caught my eye. Then I spotted a book with a washed out cover that might have been yellow decades ago, and big, faded yet bold print proclaiming the title to be Gone With the Wind. Hmm. The eighth graders were reading that, right? Hmm….
And so, for the next WEEK AND A HALF I read. And read. And read some more. By the time I reached page 837, I was a wee bit irritated. Most books, I’ll read them in under a week, tops. Usually they take about 2 days. But this book…
Don’t get me wrong. It was an excellent book. It’s just that 1037 pages tend to take a while to read. For an impatient gal like me, waiting that long to find out the end is a lot to ask.
I repeat, I have met my match.
Gone With the Wind is an amazing book in the time of the Civil War. It is in the point of view of a southerner, which is interesting because we get to see the thoughts and beliefs of the losing side.
This book gives us the story of Scarlett O’Hara, a determined young woman with a fighting spirit. Scarlett doesn’t give a hoot about what people think, as long as she gets what she wants. Consequently, no one can stop her, not even her husband, when she decides to start a business. At a time when woman were expected to stay at home and respect their husbands, Scarlett ignores custom and does what she wishes. For Scarlett pledges allegiance to only one thing – the red dirt plantation where she grew up.
Note: The entire time I was reading this, my dad the Flymaster kept saying numerous variations of “My dear, I don’t give a damn.” Whenever my mother the Great Yogini tried to say it, the Flymaster would say “Shh! You’ll ruin the book for her!” Mystified and bemused, I continued reading the book. As a result, my first thought when I finished the book was “OH.”
I was walking through the rows of books in the school library the other day, asking myself the immortal question one asks themselves in libraries – “Oh what shall I read now?” I swept my eyes over the neatly stacked volumes, but no titles or covers caught my eye. Then I spotted a book with a washed out cover that might have been yellow decades ago, and big, faded yet bold print proclaiming the title to be Gone With the Wind. Hmm. The eighth graders were reading that, right? Hmm….
And so, for the next WEEK AND A HALF I read. And read. And read some more. By the time I reached page 837, I was a wee bit irritated. Most books, I’ll read them in under a week, tops. Usually they take about 2 days. But this book…
Don’t get me wrong. It was an excellent book. It’s just that 1037 pages tend to take a while to read. For an impatient gal like me, waiting that long to find out the end is a lot to ask.
I repeat, I have met my match.
Gone With the Wind is an amazing book in the time of the Civil War. It is in the point of view of a southerner, which is interesting because we get to see the thoughts and beliefs of the losing side.
This book gives us the story of Scarlett O’Hara, a determined young woman with a fighting spirit. Scarlett doesn’t give a hoot about what people think, as long as she gets what she wants. Consequently, no one can stop her, not even her husband, when she decides to start a business. At a time when woman were expected to stay at home and respect their husbands, Scarlett ignores custom and does what she wishes. For Scarlett pledges allegiance to only one thing – the red dirt plantation where she grew up.
Note: The entire time I was reading this, my dad the Flymaster kept saying numerous variations of “My dear, I don’t give a damn.” Whenever my mother the Great Yogini tried to say it, the Flymaster would say “Shh! You’ll ruin the book for her!” Mystified and bemused, I continued reading the book. As a result, my first thought when I finished the book was “OH.”
I hereby announce officially that I will never read Gone with the Wind! You know that I would never make it through the book!! ha. Congratulations on finishing that, it was good to see you challenged at last!
It took me a semester in HS to read Gone with the Wind! We had an oral book report due every 6 weeks and they greatly hindered me getting through GWTW. I don't remember any of the books I read for the reports but I remember GWTW. Years later I reread it as an adult and would swear they had removed some of the curse words. I also read Scarlett that came out as a sequel (another author wrote it). It was okay, but couldn't hold a candle to the original. Enjoyed your review.
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