A Wizard of the Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin is the tale of the young wizard Ged, whom from an early age showed extraordinary magical ability. His first display of this was when he saved his entire village by covering it with fog, so that the brutal invaders from Kargad could not find nor harm the villagers.
After this a wizard came and took him to be his apprentice, but it was not long before Ged was sent to a wizard’s school in Roke. There he met Jasper, a proud, rather big-headed boy a few years older then Ged. Eventually, he challenged Jasper to a contest of power. Jasper scoffed, obviously thinking himself better. To prove that he was powerful, Ged summoned a dead spirit. The remainder of the book is about Ged’s quest to put the malicious spirit back to sleep.
My grandmother who used to be a Language Arts/English teacher recommended this book to me ages ago, but I had some trouble finding it. This book is excellent. Ursula Le Guin’s writing style is unique but spellbinding, and definitely works well with this story.
Note: This is the first book in a series, but I don’t know how many books are in the series or what their titles are.
A very nice review!!
THe other Books are 2. THe Tombs of Atuan
3. The Farthest Shore.
I understand that she has since written a 4th one..Tehanu
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