Above are two different covers of Sabriel.
Sabriel is the first book in my favorite series EVER, The Abhorsen Trilogy (a.k.a. The Old Kingdom Trilogy). This book is about an 18 year old girl at a boarding school in Ancelstierre. Ancelstierre is a kingdom of science and logic, bordering the Old Kingdom, a place of magic – and the Dead. Sabriel ventures into the Old Kingdom in an attempt to save her father who is trapped in Death, though is not yet dead.
Sabriel is written by Garth Nix (the world’s best author). The book is followed by Lirael and Abhorsen. I found Sabriel to be a captivating novel. To be truthful, the first time I read it I gave myself a headache because I read it so quickly! I simply couldn't put it down. I would suggest you try this book, it is excellent!
Keys to the Kingdom fans! Superior Saturday is coming out on July 7!
Keys to the Kingdom fans! Superior Saturday is coming out on July 7!
I love these books too. Is the new book you mention also Garth Nix?
Yes, the new book is also Garth Nix. It is the sixth one in the series. The first five are: Mister Monday, Grim Tuesday, Drowned Wednesday, Sir Thursday, and Lady Friday. They are an easier and less intense read than the Abhorsen Trilogy, but still excellent.
never read the Abhorsen Trilogy. I wonder whether I'd like it or not! Sounds a bit confusing if you ask me! :(
It's actually not confusing when you read the books, because Garth Nix explains everything really well. :)
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