Felix is, for the most part, a normal boy. But he can’t run around, can’t exert himself. He mustn’t, because he has a rare heart disease and doesn’t know how long he’ll live. Felix passes out frequently, and he knows that one day he won’t regain consciousness.
Felix wants to see the Continental Divide. He wants to put one foot on the Atlantic side, one foot on the Pacific side. Unfortunately, on the hike up to the spot his parents notice he is tiring and want to turn back. Felix knows he should obey them, but it’s only a bit farther…
Felix sprints ahead, puts one foot on each side. As he stands split in half, he feels himself lose consciousness. When he wakes up he is still on the Divide, but his parents are gone, his surroundings different, and there is a strange feather lying on his chest. He assumes someone must have moved him… until a griffin shows up. Felix then begins a journey in a world not his own to find a cure for his disease, and maybe even do some good in this magical place. But how did he get here, and how can he get back home?
The books in this series are:
- The Divide
- Back to the Divide
- Jinx on the Divide
all by Elizabeth Kay.